Selenium WebDriver 3.0 Certification Training

Watch the demo class here

This course will help you master various Selenium concepts such as WebDriver, Waits, Locators, TestNG/JUnit, Page Object Modelling, Frameworks, Jenkins, Maven, Sikuli and last but not the least – Cucumber!

Why this course – 

  • Testing is the best field to work in Software Industry. Due to advancement in technologies, automation testing has emerged as a shining star and as more and more organisations are realising its potential,  Selenium is a must-have jewel in the resume.

  • Due to its high demand, Average salary of Selenium Automation Engineer is $94k ( Salary Data).

Features of this course

Instructor-led live online classes | Real-time case studies | Life-time access to recorded sessions | Interview Preparation till you get the job

Course Description

Total duration – 40 Hours

Topics to be covered-

  • What is Testing?
  • What is Selenium?
  • Evolution of Selenium over time.

Selenium IDE

  • What is Selenium IDE
  • How to create Test Cases in Selenium IDE using Record and Run functionality
  • Different Selenese Commands
  • Using ‘Assert’ in Test Cases
  • Using ‘Verify in Test’ Cases
  • Difference between Assert and Verify
  • Pre-requisites for Selenium
  • Environment Set-up

Core Java

  • Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
  • Classes 
  • Objects
  • Methods
  • Constructors
  • Method Overloading
  • Inheritance
  • Method Overriding
  • Access Modifiers
  • Arrays – Single and Multi Dimensional
  • Loops
  • Pre and Post Incrementor
  • Conditional Logic using If-else and Switch-Case Statement
  • Abstract Classes
  • Interfaces
  • Polymorphism
  • Collections Framework
  • Exception Handling
  • Abstraction
  • Encapsulation


Selenium WebDriver Environment Setup

  • Understanding the basic test flow to be adopted during automation
  • Locators –
    • Id
    • Name
    • cssSelector
    • Xpath
    • linkText
    • partialLinkText
    • tagName
    • className
  • Waits in Selenium-
    • Implicit Wait
    • Explicit Wait
    • Fluent Wait
  • Handling common controls on web-pages such as –
    • Frames/ iFrames
    • Modal Dialog Boxes
    • Drop-Down Boxes
    • Multi-Select Boxes
    • Alert Box
    • Confirm Box
    • Prompt Box
    • Mouse Hovering, Double Mouse Hovering
    • Drag and Drop Action
    • Keyboard and Mouse Events
    • Web-Tables
    • Calendars
    • Switching between Windows
    • Switching between Tabs
  • TestNG – Reporting Framework
    • Installation
    • Annotations
  • Performing multiple Validations on the same page
  • Prioritisation of Test Methods
  • Cross Browser Testing
    • Sequential Execution
    • Parallel Execution
  • Javascript Executor
  • Testing if all the links on the page are working or not
  • DataBase Testing
  • Page Object Modelling
  • Triggering emails automatically after Test Suite Execution
  • Maven /Gradle
  • Extent Reporting – generating reports in HTML format.
  • Frameworks
    • Data Driven Framework
    • Keyword Driven Framework
    • Hybrid Framework
  • DataProvider
  • Selenium Grid
  • Third party Tools –
    • AutoIT
    • Sikuli
  • Jenkins
  • git and GitHub
  • Bitbucket
  • Cucumber-
    • Introduction to BDD (Behavioral Driven Development)
    • Gherkin Basics
    • Feature File
    • Scenarios
    • Scenario Outline
    • Step Definitions
    • Capturing Arguments
    • Background
    • Data tables
    • Using Hooks
    • Parameterisation using ‘Examples’
    • Different types of tags
    • Cucumber Reports

Note – 3 Assignments (solutions to be discussed in the following class  ) will be sent daily based on topics covered in class.

Final Project

  • After completing the above mentioned topics in 40 hours, finally participants will work on 4 projects so as to get hand on training and acquaint themselves with the real world environment. These projects have been divided into following 3 levels – 

Click here to check – general controls on web-pages

Reviews by previous students-