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Software as a Career

Learn how thousands and thousands of people coming from diverse backgrounds are making successful careers in Software. 

By Deepinder Singh Bhatti

If you have worked in a non-Software industry and now are planning to move into Software industry but don’t know where to start from – you are at the right place !


Software professionals primarily work in one of the two fields – Software Development or Software Testing.

In Software industry, people primarily work in two fields – Software Development or Software Testing. Software Developers are the people who are responsible for writing softwares (called as Development). Software Testers are those who test the softwares created by Software Developers. So they basically test whether the newly created Software works as expected or not.

People coming from non-technical backgrounds, generally start in Software Testing because it is easy to start here comparatively and of-course not to mention – it is more fun and exciting to work in Software Testing. Generally it is observed, people working in Software Testing Teams have more visibility of the overall processes than those working in Development Teams. By visibility, we mean they know more about the Software’s functionality than Developers. This is because Software Developers generally work on a particular aspect of the software(we call it as – they work on a particular module) whereas Software Testers are responsible for testing a broad range of the software’s functionalities and as a result their knowledge area widens as compared to Software Developers.



Since it is easy to fit into Software industry in Testing field in earlier stages, as a result most of the beginners start their stint in Software Testing. At later stages you can move on to Software Development such as creating iOS Apps or Android apps – latest technologies in demand – or some people stay back in Software Testing.

So if we talk about testing, it is basically divided into 2 major categories – Manual Testing and Automation Testing. Manual Testing is when a human sits in front of a computer and he/she performs the testing. On the other hand, when a software performs the testing instead of a human, we call it as – Automation Testing. The obvious advantages of Automation testing is that it is faster as compared to Manual Testing and it is more accurate. That’s why Automation Testing is in great demand now a days. 

So if you want to start your career in Software industry, Automation Testing is the right choice and the most popular  tool for the same is  – Selenium. 

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