Selenium WebDriver 3.0 Certification Training

Watch the demo class here 

This course will help you master various Selenium concepts such as WebDriver, Waits, Locators, NUnit, Page Object Modelling, Frameworks, Jenkins, Sikuli and last but not the least – Cucumber!

Why this course – 

  • Testing is the best field to work in Software Industry. Due to advancement in technologies, automation testing has emerged as a shining star and as more and more organisations are realising its potential,  Selenium is a must-have jewel in the resume.

  • Due to its high demand, Average salary of Selenium Automation Engineer is $94k ( Salary Data). 

Features of this course

Instructor-led live online classes | Real-time case studies | Life-time access to recorded sessions | Interview Preparation till you get the job

Course Description

Total duration – 40 Hours

Topics to be covered-

  • What is Testing?
  • What is Selenium?
  • Evolution of Selenium over time.

Selenium IDE

  • What is Selenium IDE
  • How to create Test Cases in Selenium IDE using Record and Run functionality
  • Different Selenese Commands
  • Using ‘Assert’ in Test Cases
  • Using ‘Verify in Test’ Cases
  • Difference between Assert and Verify
  • Pre-requisites for Selenium
  • Environment Set-up

C# Basics

  • Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
  • Classes 
  • Objects
  • Methods
  • Constructors
  • Method Overloading
  • Inheritance
  • Method Overriding
  • Access Modifiers
  • Arrays – Single and Multi Dimensional
  • Loops
  • Pre and Post Incrementor
  • Conditional Logic using If-else and Switch-Case Statement
  • Abstract Classes
  • Interfaces
  • Polymorphism
  • Collections 
  • Exception Handling
  • Abstraction
  • Encapsulation


Selenium WebDriver Environment Setup

  • Understanding the basic test flow to be adopted during automation
  • Locators –
    • Id
    • Name
    • cssSelector
    • Xpath
    • linkText
    • partialLinkText
    • tagName
    • className
  • Waits in Selenium-
    • Implicit Wait
    • Explicit Wait
    • Fluent Wait
  • Handling common controls on web-pages such as –
    • Frames/ iFrames
    • Modal Dialog Boxes
    • Drop-Down Boxes
    • Multi-Select Boxes
    • Alert Box
    • Confirm Box
    • Prompt Box
    • Mouse Hovering, Double Mouse Hovering
    • Drag and Drop Action
    • Keyboard and Mouse Events
    • Web-Tables
    • Calendars
    • Switching between Windows
    • Switching between Tabs
  • NUnit
    • Installation
    • Attributes
  • Performing multiple Validations on the same page
  • Prioritisation of Test Methods
  • Cross Browser Testing
    • Sequential Execution
    • Parallel Execution
  • Javascript Executor
  • Testing if all the links on the page are working or not
  • DataBase Testing
  • Page Object Model
  • Extent Reporting – generating reports in HTML format.
  • Parameterization using Excel Sheet
  • Selenium Grid
  • Jenkins
  • git and GitHub
  • Bitbucket
  • Cucumber-
    • Introduction to BDD (Behavioral Driven Development)
    • Gherkin Basics
    • Feature File
    • Scenarios
    • Scenario Outline
    • Step Definitions
    • Capturing Arguments
    • Background
    • Data tables
    • Using Hooks
    • Parameterisation using ‘Examples’
    • Different types of tags
    • Cucumber Reports

Note – 3 Assignments (solutions to be discussed in the following class  ) will be sent daily based on topics covered in class.

Final Project

  • After completing the above mentioned topics in 40 hours, finally participants will work on 4 projects so as to get hand on training and acquaint themselves with the real world environment. These projects have been divided into following levels – 
  • Interview level – the kind of projects you may be asked to work on in an interview.
  • Medium Difficulty level project – the kind of project you may work on in an organisation where the project difficulty level is medium.
  • High Difficulty level project – the kind of project you may work on in an organisation where the project difficulty level is high.

     These projects will give the final finishing touch to your preparation efforts and you will be ready to work in any environment.

After that we will start with mock interview preparations. At this stage if someone wants to quit if he/she is already working in an organisation or due to any other reason, he/she may quit. Those who want to continue will continue with their interview preparations till they fill comfortable. There is no time limit  on interview preparations.

Our work will get completed once the interview preparations are over.

Click here to check – general controls on web-pages

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